July 2019
Dear Praying Friends,

Last month I answered a reader’s question asking if ex-polygamists are becoming Christians.  My answer included the statement that obviously there are people who get saved as a result of ministry but those who ministered with the Gospel may be completely unaware of it.

What a surprise it was for me the following Sunday to see a lady we had helped escape a polygamous marriage come to church that morning.  In conversation after worship, she explained that she has siblings who have given their lives to Christ.  It is unexplainable great joy and rejoicing to hear that a former polygamist has accepted Jesus as his or her Savior.  Whether we were directly or indirectly involved isn’t the point.  Another soul has been redeemed.  We thank and give all glory to our Lord!!  We thank Him for allowing and enabling us to be in service to Him and for His Kingdom.

Jesus taught that any house that is built on the sand will crash with a big crash when the storm comes.  But the house built on the rock will survive.  Mormonism is a house built on the sand.

1 John 5:19   We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

When we witness the abuse and other fruits of the false prophet, Joseph Smith, we know that the people who came under his influence were under the control of the evil one.  And little has changed since Joseph Smith’s death.  Mormons and polygamists continue to believe that works, temples and temple rituals, baptism-for-the-dead rituals, and other works of the flesh will merit them a place in Heaven.  If our own works could save us, then Jesus isn’t our Savior, we become our own savior.  And that isn’t possible.  Please continue to pray for a great harvest.  Thank you for your support of this ministry!


It is a completely different world for us who were born and raised in Mormon Fundamentalism.  We were brainwashed from the cradle to believe that those not in the group were our enemies, not to be trusted.

Sometimes we hear people say about the victims of polygamy, “Well why don’t they just leave, just walk away?”  If only it was that simple and easy!  To help others understand the dilemma we faced in our attempts to leave, we have been suggesting reading material written by escapees who have successfully integrated into the world outside of Mormon Fundamentalism. 

This month our featured book is by Ruth Wariner, entitled:  The Sound of Gravel.   The author was the 39th of the 42 children of her polygamous father.  She was born and raised in Mexico where her father was a member of the LeBaron polygamy group.  We quote from the front book flap:

“Ruth lives in a ramshackle house without indoor plumbing or electricity.  At church, preachers teach that God will punish the wicked by destroying the world and that women can only ascend to Heaven by entering into polygamous marriages and giving birth to as many children as possible.”

Her father was murdered by his own brother, and her mother re-married into another polygamous relationship.  One time as he was preaching his doctrine he said this:

“They’re gonna be sorry, all these born-againers in the States, only havin’ one or two kids per family…. It’s so selfish I can’t believe it.  We have to sacrifice lots to have the big families we have, but it’s the right thing to do.  There are millions of souls in heaven still waitin’ to come to this earth and prove themselves to the Lord… Our blessings will come in the celestial kingdom.”

As is too often the case in polygamous families, her step-father molested Ruth.  She told her mother about it hoping it would end their marriage, but instead her mother said this:

“What [he] did to you wouldn’t seem so bad if some old Mexican man got ahold of you...I couldn’t even muster a reply.”  pg 239

Ruth was raised in poverty, sexual abuse, a mother who wouldn’t fight for or defend her own children, and of course, a false doctrine of salvation.  This is a very sad story.  You can read the book to find out how she eventually gets away from the culture of polygamy.  The Sound of Gravel, A Memoir, by Ruth Wariner


Leaders of the FLDS polygamy cult known for ritualized child rape have reportedly purchased property and started building in Northern Minnesota. Known polygamist and convicted felon Seth Jeffs, brother of convicted pedophile Warren Jeffs who's serving life plus 20 for child sexual assault, obtained a permit to build a 6,000-sq ft compound. Construction equipment has arrived and work has begun.

Seth Jeffs is currently being sued over claims he participated in ritual sex abuse orchestrated by Warren Jeffs.  Seth is believed to have first moved to South Dakota where they have a gated and guarded FLDS community. The 140-acre compound near Pringle, South Dakota, also has a watchtower and armed guards.  There have been no reported births or deaths there for 14 years. Lawmakers are looking into what they can do to shut down Seth's activity in South Dakota.

Seth now appears to be active in Minnesota.  He obtained a permit to construct a nearly 6,000-square-foot building on the property.  The reports sparked fears that he is building a compound similar to the one in South Dakota complete with the guard tower.

True to character and practice of Mormon polygamists, they find ways around the law, or blatantly ignore it.  Seth was recently given a “cease and desist order” because of violations with the size of excavation, improper fencing, a lack of erosion control and going beyond the driveway construction estimates.  The county said the construction activity has violated several county rules and policies around conserving wetland resources.

Seth Jeffs took a plea deal in the 2016 FLDS multimillion-dollar food-stamp fraud scheme and his brother, Lyle Jeffs, is in prison for his role in the scheme.

2 Timothy 3:13  … evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.


It mattered not if a man was seventy years of age, according to Brother Brigham he was still a boy — “the brethren are all boys until they are a hundred years old” — and some young girl of sixteen, fifteen, or even younger would be “counselled” — that is, commanded — to marry him. She might even have a sister no older than herself, and then as likely as not he would take the two to wife, and very probably both on the same day. The girls were told that to marry a young man was not a safe thing, for young men were not tried — it was better to marry a well-tested patriarch and then their chances of “exaltation” in the kingdom of heaven were sure and certain. In this way the life-long happiness of many a girl — little more than a child — was blighted for ever. At the time of which I speak, every unmarried woman, or girl who could by the utmost stretch of possibility be thought old enough to marry, was forced to find a husband, or a husband was immediately found for her, and without any regard to her wishes was forced upon her.

Young men, and even boys, were forced, not only into marriage, but even Polygamy, and none dared resist. The marrying mania, in fact, was universal and irresistible — every one must marry or be given in marriage. So evidently was this the case that women in jest said that, if one were to hang a petticoat upon a fence-pole, half a dozen men would flock at once to marry it! Absurd as this may seem it was not very far from the truth. Young men and maidens, old men and children, widows, virgins, and youths — in fact every one whether married or unmarried, it mattered not, was “counselled” — commanded — to marry.

There is above fanaticism a stronger law which, despite every effort of the deluded victim, will occasionally make itself heard — the voice of Nature. Even during that strange time in which every Saint seemed to have gone stark crazy mad, the frightful anomaly of men of fifty, sixty, and even seventy marrying mere children — girls of fourteen, and even thirteen, — forced itself upon the attention of some of the leaders.   Fanny Stenhouse, Tell It All, pg 321


“I just wanted to say what an amazing job you do for the polygamy communities! I came across your YouTube Channel and have watched MANY episodes! It’s mind blowing that all the guests on your show have the same story and it’s so sad, yet inspiring at the same time! God sure knew how to use you and I just wanted to share how you have touched me! Keep up the amazing work you do! Just love your mission so much."  S A

Online comments:

“I am amazed that Mormons believe there is a law of Sarah. Only in their own cult doctrine can it be stated. There is no law of Sarah in the Bible or any Christian writing. A simple reading of the Bible would help clarify the story of Abraham and Sarah, clearly is not the same Mormon Abraham and Sarah that is a fiction and counterfeit story.”  CR

“Wow ... none of this historically documented DISGUSTING information (by LDS historians!) is new to me, but it never fails to take my breath away... coercion and threats SUPPOSEDLY BY GOD’S COMMAND... just turns my  stomach. I pray for all those who still believe in this prophet... that their eyes would be opened to learn of the true God who totally loves them.  Thanks Doris & Earl” BW

“If more people knew about the early Christian writings such as Eusebius and others Mormonism would have never gotten off the ground. Joseph Smith got all the doctrine wrong in the first place.”  ST


  • Pray for new and creative ways to reach into the homes and hearts of polygamists.  Especially the women.  If polygamous women came to know and believe that God hasn’t demanded or commanded polygamy, it would stop almost immediately.  Pray we can make a dent to that end.

  • We still haven’t heard back from “Joy”.  Pray for her and her safety and that God would bring her out of the polygamous culture and find true freedom in Jesus.

  • Pray for Rachel as she will soon go back to court again seeking custody of her three children from her polygamous ex-husband.

We are always interested in what our readers and supporters find interesting regarding the topic of polygamy.  If you have a particular question, or would like more information on a news event or topic relating to the practice of plural marriage or have a concern, we invite you to send your request to us via email:

We also like to receive suggestions for topics to cover on our weekly internet and Roku broadcasts. Feel free to let us know what’s on your mind.  If you know of anyone who is in polygamy and has questions or may want to escape, they can contact us at:

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