For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. ~ James 4:1
Here we are again saying good-bye to one year and hello to the New Year. Just as each year before this has done, 2021 literally ‘flew’ by. It makes us wonder, is time itself speeding up?
Despite COVID, changes in politics, inflation and all the other disconcerting events taking place, life goes on. Of course, as Christians, we continue to go about our Father’s business, “going into all nations to make disciples”. Whether we go by foot, by land, sea or air, or by internet—we have a message of grace, forgiveness and redemption that this hurting and lost world desperately needs to hear.
God is the One who sets up the powers of the nations and He is the One who takes them down. However, our eyes are on Jesus, our hope is in Him, and our salvation is only because of Him. Our message to the polygamous and Mormon culture includes the invitation to transfer their citizenship from earth to Heaven. We cannot change God’s plan, nor should we want to. But we can participate in that plan and —speaking the truth in love—ask God to allow our words to be both bold and gentle and that He would bring those who “have ears to hear” the message of His love and grace. Our message is salvation through Jesus not salvation through polygamy.
We thank you for your support and prayers that enable us to bring God’s Good News to polygamists!
Karen Bradshaw is an ex-plural wife from the AUB polygamy group. She has given her life to Jesus and explains that God has laid it upon her heart to become part of the Shield and Refuge team. We welcome Karen to the team as we seek God’s will in this and in everything. For the next several months, Karen will share her story of being born and raised and married in a Mormon Fundamentalist Polygamy Group.
“One day he was sitting on the bench in front of the piano, my father put my sister on his lap and called her his little Goldy-locks, she was stunning with her platinum blond hair. I ached for his attention, it hurt that he noticed her and not me. His rejection was more painful than his beatings and I didn't know how to deal with the bitter emotions. I started acting out at school, one day was sent home for stabbing a boy in the head with a pencil. My kindergarten teacher grabbed me and shook me, "What do you think you are doing?" she yelled. But that didn’t bother me, I thought he deserved it. Another day I was in the restroom, twin girls came in and peeked at me under the bathroom stall. I was so embarrassed I wanted to disappear. I jumped up, pulled up my pants, opened the door, doubled both of my fists, and punched them in the stomach as hard as I could. I was mean and angry and didn't know how to resolve the conflicts in my life.
"But there were happy times too. One day Claudette (my father’s new plural wife,) cooked us a gourmet dinner but only if we promised to clean up the mess. She must have used every dish in the house, I had never seen such a messy kitchen. I remember enjoying the fried Parmesan eggplant but cleaning up was overwhelming. I really loved her.
"One of my father’s punishments was making us sit on the couch and stare at a wall for hours. If any of us moved, we would be punished. During one of these ordeals, I needed to go to the bathroom, I wanted to scream out "I need to go to the bathroom" but was afraid, Instead I just started to cry. My father yelled at me "What are you crying about!!" I whimpered, "I need to go to the bathroom." I was afraid I couldn’t hold it much longer. "Well go then!" he shouted. My little brother started acting out, so he beat him viciously with a wire hanger and I saw it all. My father had very little patience and grace was unknown to him.”
…continued next month!
“But Joseph Smith did not falter, although it was not until an angel of God, with a drawn sword, stood before him and commanded that he should enter into plural marriage or he should be utterly destroyed, or rejected, that he moved forward to reveal and establish that doctrine.”
Joseph F. Smith, Journal of Discourses 10:29 (Cited in “The Mormon Marriage System” by Joseph W. Musser)
Proverbs 30:5-6
Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.
This is the way the LDS church and Mormon polygamists explain the birth of Jesus Christ. When they say they believe that Jesus is the “literal Son of God” they are saying that God the Father had literal sex with His daughter Mary to get her pregnant with Jesus. |
~~It all began with Joseph Smith~~
"Exposé of polygamy in Utah: A lady's life among the Mormons. A record of personal experience as one of the wives of a Mormon elder during a period of more than twenty years". 1872
“There are again other women, frequently the first and second wives, who become friendly to each other. When this is the case, they care very little for the husband. They set their faces against the third, and the others who come after. The poor girl is to be pitied, and the husband, too, who ventures to bring her home; for the two friendly wives are sure to lead her and him a terrible life. The man who enters this most delightful order of marriage ought not to allow his wives to become too intimate, for they will certainly plot mischief, and destroy his power and peace. The more they hate each other, the more secure he is.
But what a state of mind is this for mothers to be in! And if children partake of the nature and feelings of their mothers, what kind of dispositions can these poor children inherit, whose mothers have been the victims of these strong and fearful emotions. Oh! it is a cruel wrong to womankind; it is a terrible wrong to innocent children! It is a most wicked wrong, in every sense of the word!”
--End of Chapter 9
“A rather prominent man in Salt Lake City, who has several wives and married daughters, only a few weeks ago married a young girl about fifteen years of age — a child that his first wife had adopted and brought up as her own. It is said to be a source of great sorrow to his first wife. Such men deserve punishment; for there is no shadow of religious obligation in the transaction. I know that he has next to no faith in Brigham Young.
But there is a pleasing change noticeable in the plural marriages in Salt Lake. There are not nearly so many marriages of this kind among the actual citizens of Salt Lake City as there were three or four years ago. The girls, although they will tell you that they believe it is right, will also say that they would rather do with "a little less glory" hereafter and take a little more comfort here. Many at the same time do not hesitate to say that they are altogether doubtful about the propriety of such marriages, for the doctrine and practice of Polygamy have made such bad men of their fathers and such victims of their mothers.
It is not our city girls who maintain so much the plural marriages; but it is chiefly the newly arrived English and country girls who supply the Patriarchs.” ~ Chapter 10
The Bible says:
Neither shall he multiply wives for himself, lest his heart turn away; Deuteronomy 17:15
Joseph Smith and Brigham Young taught “Live polygamy or be damned!”
Q: If polygamy isn’t God’s will, why does Isaiah 4:1 predict that seven women will take hold of one man and ask to be called by his name?
A: Context is very important, in fact is a requirement to correctly understand the Bible. The context of Isaiah 4:1 is not a prediction of polygamy for the Latter-day Saints—the context is God’s judgment. War and fighting will result in the death of most of Israel’s men. Women in ancient times were in danger if they had no protection of a man. This passage is merely explaining that with few men left, many women will ask a man for his protection but will not expect anything more from him than that.
“Thanks Doris for your work and ministry! I enjoy your shows. I’ve been out of the LDS church since 2012 and am so grateful for the true gospel outlined in the Bible.” --GB
“I'm a descendent of the few faithful who were killed by Blood Atonement for standing up to Brigham Young that five generations suffered the consequences of murder and of blaming the victims. It's also a great method for keeping people controlled. We also suffered long term and devastating effects of Polygamy. Anyone trying to expose the Truth over the years have also paid a terrible price trying. I love you all for the courage and diligence speaking the Truth.” --KT
“It seems the larger LDS church turns a blind eye to the victims?” --WD
“How about the simple golden rule? Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. It wasn't God who created DUAL STANDARDS. If men who advocate polygamy had to share their one and only mate, they would know that polygamist wives are as happy as he would be if he had to share her with a bunch of BROTHER HUSBANDS.” --R Kimbel
If you have questions or would like information on a topic relating to Mormon polygamy, we invite you to send your request to us via the email address above.
- Pray for KM and her family. They left the FLDS polygamy group but do not yet know Jesus. Pray they will understand that He alone is Savior.
- Pray for RM and her family. They recently fled the FLDS, the mom has three children and is going through some very rough economic challenges. When a mother escapes, she is generally left with almost nothing by which to support herself and her children. Pray Utah’s court system will be more merciful towards the victims of polygamy.
Just call Doris: 801-649-3103, or Email: |